Thursday, May 6, 2010


LOSS: Have you experienced any? Most of us have to our sorrow and disappointment. Whenever I experience loss, my mind immediately goes to Naomi in the book of Ruth. In one of the former posts I discussed the expectations of Naomi on her wedding day and soon we will see if those expectations proved true.

In the fist chapter of the book of Ruth we are introduced to a family in Bethlehem, the family of Alimelech, who experienced a great trial. Trials are common to the believer in Christ. The reasons are varied when we look through the Scriptures. Some trials are for testing, some for chastisement and growth, some because of our sins, some because of the sin of others, some because of the enemies of Christ and His Gospel, and some are just the natural outworking of the fall of man, but all are under the direction of a Sovereign God who appoints all things for His Glory and man's good.

The trials experienced by the family of Naomi began with a famine. This was not the first time God had tried his people by famine. Abraham, Issac, and Jacob all experienced a famine in their time. The interesting thing about the famine experienced by Naomi and her family is that it occurred in Bethlehem, which means House of Bread. Of all places to experience a famine, one would think the house of Bread would not be that place, but it was and it would benefit us to discover why.

This famine was more than likely sent as a chastisement for the people of God since the book of Ruth occurs during the time of the Judges. This history of God's people was a time when the word of God was rare and the people of God did that which was right in their own eyes. They had no regard for the Word of God or for the will of God. When we abandon God's Word and God's will, it leaves us no other choice but to be awakened by God and that awakening usually occurs by way of a trial.

If you have ever looked at the many times famine is mentioned or experienced by the people of God in the Bible, you will also notice that there were two choices for those facing the famine. One choice is to simply trust what the Lord told his people in Job 5:20, "In famine He will redeem you from death, or Psalm 33:18-19 "Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for his lovingkindness to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD, He is our help and our shield."

The second choice when facing a trial is to trust human reason rather than the Word of God. In other words, to put our trust in man or human solutions. We are warned against that, as stated in Psalm 60:11, and 108:12 "O, give us help against the adversary, for vain is the help of man," and again in Psalm 127:1-2, we are told that it is "vain for you to rise up early , to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors, for HE GIVES to His beloved even in his sleep." This is not an indictment against work but rather trusting in that work instead of the God who provides all things. We are even told to watch against putting our trust in other strengths, as stated in Psalm 33:17-18, "A horse is a false hope for victory, nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear HIM, on those who hope (trust) in His lovingkindness, to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine".

So, we see that we have two choices when facing great trials, to trust God or to trust other strengths whether it be our own or something else. What did this family do when faced with this great trial?? We will discover where they put their trust and how it effected their lives in the next few posts. But, for today, are you facing a great trial? The odds are you are facing one, have faced one or will be facing one in the future. Decide today to put your trust in the LORD, not in man or human solutions. Remember His promises to those who TRUST in Him. He has promised to deliver, He has promised to provide and He has promised to keep you alive even if you go through a famine. Look to HIM today, look to His word for His great promises to you and put your trust in HIM - He is faithful!!

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