Wednesday, May 25, 2011


TORNADOES: So many people have experienced storms and tornadoes this year - many to their sorrow - others, in gratitude that they were spared the destruction that some experienced. I stood at my window today listening to the wind and watching the hail. As I listened and watched, I wondered if it was too soon to get into my "safe place". My safe place is my utility room - the central most room away from windows in our home. As I stood there I was once again reminded just how helpless mankind is in the face of some of life's storms. I had experienced this before when we lived in Fairhope, AL and watched as hurricane Katrina came tumbling through the Gulf and caused such havoc, destruction, and death.

As I thought about Katrina and the storm I was presently facing I was reminded that in reality my "safe place" was not a utility room, although wisdom would dictate I go there if the need so arises. But, let's face it - even a safe room didn't help some going though Katrina nor others who have experienced tornadoes this past year. Those rooms may have indeed been the means of safety for some but they were not the ultimate cause of their survival.

Psalms 91:1-4 states: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say to the LORD, "My REFUGE and my FORTRESS, My God, in whom I trust!" For it is HE who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence. HE will cover you with HIS pinions and under HIS WINGS you may seek SHELTER (or REFUGE); His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

As I looked at the storm facing me from my window and realized that my real safety was not a utility room, it dawned on me also that I had no control over the storm. I did not cause the storm and I could not direct the storm. That's just like a lot of the storms which come into our lives by way of various trials and circumstances. They may come (as in the life of Job) for NO reason of our own - nothing we have done to cause them. And, like Job too, there is nothing we can do to control them. Some storms just have to take their course as we find refuge in the LORD and wait his timing for the end of the storm. I have watched many storms this spring last a significant amount of time and others I have seen last only a few minutes. That also may be the case with many of the trials we face - some may seem to never end and others may last only a short time. But, in each of the storms whether long or short, I had to simply WAIT and find SHELTER until the storm was passed.

If you are facing a storm in you life today, whether the literal storms of a tornado or the stormy trials of life, take SHELTER in the ONE who controls it all and rest in HIS SOVEREIGN purpose for it. That's the only real "safe place" for us to find shelter. May HE hide you under the shadow of HIS wings in whatever trial or storm you may face today.

Monday, May 2, 2011


REJOICING IN JUDGMENT: Today, May 1, 2011, the world has gotten the news that a mass murderer has been found and executed. Many have received that message with elation, others with sadness, and few with indifference. What were your emotions as you heard that the one who masterminded the attacks against innocent men, women and children had finally met his doom?

The book of Revelation chapter 15:3-4 states: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O KING of the saints! Who shall not FEAR You, O Lord, and GLORIFY Your name? For You ALONE are HOLY, for all Nations shall come and worship before You, FOR YOUR JUDGMENTS HAVE BEEN MANIFESTED."

If we do not rightly understand the manifested judgments of God, we do not rightly understand the Cross of Calvary and the Christ who died there or the Father who "so loved the world that He gave his only begotten SON". Calvary was all about judgment! God the Father poured out His RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT on the innocent Lamb that He had provided for the world. And, in the book of Revelation we are told that the Saints REJOICE in that manifested judgment that will come to those who do not believe or accept the salvation FREELY offered to them in this lifetime. The saints are not rejoicing in the suffering of any, but in the "MANIFESTED JUDGMENTS of a RIGHTEOUS GOD" Who JUDGES SIN.

Osama Bin Laden had his "TIME TO REPENT", but he chose a lifetime of murder and evil practices instead. Since Bin Laden's planned attack on America, The Righteous God gave him ten years to turn - ten years to repent - ten years to believe. Osama chose his fate - he spurned the Mercy of a loving God and chose the JUSTICE due to him. So, I for one rejoice that a murderer is brought to JUSTICE and there is one less person to practice the works of EVIL on the innocent. I do grieve in his eternal suffering but not in the cessation of his practice of evil on the earth.

So, where does that leave me and you? We too must face the judgment of God - "it is appointed to man once to die and after this the JUDGMENT". While we may not have sinned after the same manner as Osama Bin Laden, nevertheless, "ALL have sinned and come short of the GLORY OF GOD". We either face that judgment in the death of Jesus Christ in His suffering FOR US or we will face it at the end of the world in an eternal judgment right along Osama Bin Laden.

The merciful God gave Osama Bin Laden TIME TO REPENT and BELIEVE the GOSPEL - He also gives us time to REPENT and BELIEVE, but reminds us that, "TODAY is the day of Salvation" - we are not promised tomorrow"! "The Lord is LONG SUFFERING toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to REPENTANCE". How is it with you and me today - have we experienced that repentance and faith? Do we believe the GOSPEL - the GOOD NEWS that, "God so LOVED the World that He gave HIS only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in HIM should NOT PERISH, but should have EVERLASTING LIFE"!! Choose LIFE today - turn to HIM - Repent and Believe the GOSPEL - don't follow in the steps and finality of OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!