Thursday, April 22, 2010


GOOD INTENTIONS: Are you familiar with them? Webster says that the meaning of intention is the determination to act in a certain way. How many times in a day or a week do we say, "Oh, I intended to do such and such", but never fully accomplished the goal. I love the writer, Jude in the New Testament because as he begins his letter it was his desire to write to his readers one thing but nevertheless, found it necessary to write to them about a totally different matter. One wonders if his readers were disappointed that his first subject was not covered in more detail? At one point the Apostle Paul had intended to go to Corinth, but was hindered from doing so. We are left to imply by his response to them that they were not at all happy with Paul's not "doing what he had intended" by coming to visit them. Try as we may, there are times when we cannot fulfill our good intentions toward others or perhaps it is the unfulfilled good intentions from others toward us that cause the disappointment. Can there sometimes really be a divine appointment in our planning one thing and doing another? I introduce the subject today this way because from the beginning of this blog it was my intention to write about divine appointment in human disappointment by using the subject of Naomi from the book of Ruth. Hopefully, that will come soon, but as Jude wrote, I now find it necessary to write about faith in our disappointments. And, hopefully, see that the LORD has a divine appointment for us in the use of that faith.

At one point during the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, as He went about preaching the Kingdom of God, there came a leper to him asking him to heal him. His words to Jesus were, "IF you WILL, you CAN make me whole". Did this leper have faith? Did he exercise that faith?

Some say, that since there was a doubt about Jesus' willingness that the man did not really exercise faith. But, though there was a doubt about his willingness he did exercise faith, for there was no doubt about Jesus' ABILITY. The real faith was exercised in his coming to Christ. He had faith to come for himself and ask for his healing. Jesus looked on him with compassion, honored his faith and made him well. Do you believe that Jesus IS and that He has the ABILITY to do what you ask him? Are you willing to just COME to Him - place your burden before him and leave the "willingness" to HIM? Can you come, lay your burden before Him and say, "THIS is what I desire, but nevertheless, not my will but thine be done?" Come to him for yourself and your own personal needs. "Nothing is too great for HIS power or too small for HIS care"!

As Jesus continued his ministry in that same town, he was preaching to a great crowd in a house. In fact the crowd was so great that many stood outside the door to hear His preaching. His preaching was important to Him for he told his disciples, THIS (preaching, the proclaiming of the Kingdom of God) is what I was sent for. But, as He was preaching there were some men who came and wanted him to heal their friend. This friend was UNABLE to come to Jesus on his own. But, he did have friends who were willing to bring him. How fortunate we are when we do not have the ability to come ourselves that we have friends who will bring us before the LORD and ask on our behalf. Did these friends exercise faith? Their faith too was seen in their COMING to Jesus and BRINGING their friend. How determined were they to COME to HIM? Their faith presented an obstacle, they could not get inside the house to Jesus. But, their faith was so strong that they knew if only they could COME to Him, present the case, that he was ABLE to help them. They were determined to overcome their obstacle and come by any means, or any danger to themselves. They had to COME to Jesus and bring their friend for his healing.

And, they did find a way, unorthodox as it was and they made an opening in the roof and brought their friend before the LORD. We are told that when the LORD saw THEIR faith, He forgave the cripple man of his sins and healed him of his paralysis. These men had faith enough for their friend to bring him to Jesus.

These two men lived lives of disappointment. They experienced long days of sorrow and many nights in tears because of their sicknesses. Was there a divine appointment in it all? There certainly was, for from their infirm lives, Scripture has shown us the necessity of FAITH and the fact that their healing GLORIFIED GOD. After all, isn't that the true purpose for man - "To glorify God and enjoy him forever". These men's lives have already glorified God and no doubt they are even now before His throne enjoying HIM!!!

So, what can we gain from these stories. We can conclude that the sickness, sorrows and difficulties in this life, though they cause disappointment are certainly appointed by God. We can be assured that faith brings us to Jesus for OURSELVES - come to Him with your burdens, lay them before Him knowing that HE is ABLE to do as we ask. But, don't forget to exercise that same faith for your friends and family today. Many may be lost and not even want to come, many may be hindered by one reason or another and YOU may be the only one willing to overcome the obstacles about them to bring them to Jesus. If you are a believer, FAITH has been given to you by God for your forgiveness of sin so exercise that faith for healing for yourself and for your friends, whether that healing be physical, mental, or spiritual. GOD is ABLE and he told the leper, He was also WILLING... He only asks that we exercise FAITH in our COMING to Him. So, COME TO HIM, believe that He IS and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM. He invites you to come. "Come unto ME all you that labor and I will give your rest..." COME boldly before the throne of grace that you may find help in time of need. Come to HIM - place your faith, your trust in HIM for yourself and for your friends. May He be willing today to answer every prayer of FAITH. And, may HE receive the glory and may you enjoy HIM forever!!!

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