DISAPPOINTMENTS! Who does not face them? Are disappointments becoming more frequent in your life? I have discovered that the reason for disappointments in my life is due many times to unfulfilled or unrealistic expectations. Scripture gives us examples of many women (and men) who were disappointed in life and in the Lord Jesus because of their expectations. Martha expected Mary to help her in the kitchen instead of listening to the Lord's sermon. Surely, she was disappointed when instead of answering Martha's request for help from her sister, Jesus actually vindicated Mary and chastised Martha. Both Mary and Martha were disappointed at the death of their brother because they expected the Lord to come sooner in their distress and heal their brother. The Lord, however had a greater plan - a plan both for His glory and their good. The disciples of the Lord were also disappointed because when they began to follow the Lord they had expected a different outcome than that of suffering and death.
In the weeks to come I hope to share many of the examples of unfulfilled expectations in Scripture and how the Lord Jesus turned those human disappointments into divine appointments.
The hope is that you will be able to pinpoint the false expectations in your life and find your true expectations from the Lord in His Word.
If today you are disappointed, search your heart and see if the reason is an unfulfilled or unrealistic expectation. Then search God's Word for that which is true and place your expectation in HIM - He does not disappoint. James tells us that we have seen the outcome of the LORD'S dealings in the life of Job, that He is very compassionate and full of mercy.
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